DaLaa, International Volunteers for Social Development Association or known shortly as DaLaa is a member of international voluntary network : CCIVS (Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service) and NVDA (Network for Voluntary Development in Asia).
We want to support local communities and existing development projects, to create mutual understanding between both international and Thai volunteers as well as local people, and to preserve nature and culture as good as possible.
DaLaa wants to bring people from all over the world together working, living and laughing together in order to make a tribute to a better world with more cultural understanding. DaLaa organizes workcamps as well as Middle and Long Term projects (MLTV). Furthermore, the organization support and empower Thai members and youth to take parts in our projects and to join workcamps and MLTV organized by our partner organizations abroad (Outgoing).
On June 2019, we cleared out our mission and vision: